Featured Works

‘It’s only ever sunny in Manhattan’ by Ellie Griffiths-Barnhart

This short and bittersweet tale of here and (the wish to be) elsewhere is a masterclass in the effectiveness of juxtaposition and the importance of precision in poetry. The slant and internal rhymes mirror the not-quite-rightness of a couple who cannot seem to let go of one another, in spite of the damage their bond does to them.

Dr Beukema’s Pick

Untitled’ by Jake Takeuchi

Poignant in its simplicity, ‘Untitled’ is intimate and contemplative. From the subtle sensation of clinking chopsticks to the expanse of negative space residing between each line, Takeuchi sinks you into his vignettes with little more than a palmful of Sakuma drops.

Editor’s Pick

Awe’ by Paula Ransanz

Ransanz’s ‘Awe,’ is a revelatory reflection on the beauty of the mundane. It strives to display the marvel of life, and, falling just short, Ransanz’s declaration that “awe is intangible” compels you to reach, further and further, searching for the childlike beauty of the awesome.

Editor’s Pick