Jaiden Ahuja

You and I used to be close.
We were like two pearls placed perfectly together,
Swirling gently in the sea,
Riding a rollercoaster of waves,

An endless effervescent expanse laid before us,
Memories etched into the edges of the pearls,
The nostalgic taste of happiness scented us like seawater,
Our sparks of laughter sent ripples into the tide.

All once a wildfire, burning, glowing,
Licking the edges of our souls,
Now gone.

Burnt out by the swirling sea,
A monster that can change in a blink of an eye,
Leaving only smouldering sections of smoke,
A bitter last breath of something that was once

You and and I aren’t together anymore,
Our oyster of protection against the world
has been bruised, by the wonders of time,

We thought time would only allow us to grow,
Like two butterflies, escaping our cocoon,
Stretching our wings far and wide,

But we now know, our wings withered
as we flew and crashed in different directions.

I sit alone now on the beach,

Trying to remember the sound of your voice,
But the waves crashing down are loud,

Trying to write the memories into the sand,
But the tide continues to wash the words away,

Trying to reason how our memories are so deep,
when our relationship feels as shallow as the dying tide.

The ocean has a funny way of being two faced,
A source of life, turned a monstrous creature
powered with a ferocious grace,
You and the ocean are a two sided, devious coin.

But the ocean has an appetite,
It drowns out what is fractured,
It is the epitome of time,
It is the fabric of life, and our existence,

And we both know,
It is what broke us.