“From here and hereafter” Collection
A. Nell-Fizure & Jack Knough

  • I ask you,
    What is it that you do to me?
    I am nothing without you.
    You give me goals
    But no hope.
    You award me pleasure I can ill afford.

    In your name of which I know not
    I seek the answer.
    How I wish I knew
    The pleasure was in the journey—not the fulfilment.

    I beg for you to break my fragile ego,
    To destroy it into a thousand little pieces spread
           across the floor.
    I will go to any ends trying to piece it
           back together.
    And once I do
    I want you to pick it up again and smash it even
    And I will once again pick up every piece
    I know that is what you want me to do.
    So, I shall do it.

    Dare not I reveal who you are.
    If they were to see you, they would hate me.
    Yet you are inside of them every bit as much as you
           are inside of me.
    I need not to be embarrassed for embracing
           your presence
    How can I be uncomfortable with the one who
           knows me best?

  • When in discussion
    Do not ask
    Why do you see things differently?

    It is the wrong question.

    It is why people see things the same that baffles me.
    We are different people so of course we will see
           things differently,
    How can it be any other way?

    I am more suspicious of those who agree with me than those who do not.
    They are the ones who do not have
           a mind of their own
    For if they did, they would think I’m crazy.

    Know this.
    When in disagreement,
    At least there is courage.

  • I went to the beach to look at the stars,
    I looked at the stars to gain inspiration,
    I gained inspiration to beg the question,
    Why am I here?

    I know that sometime,
    In someplace,
    A being is looking down upon me,
    And saying
    “That is why”.

    Now I know,
    That asking the big questions are the same thing
    As answering it.

  • How do I capture this moment of intensity?
    This wild flame dancing with the wind,
    It will either be blown out with the breeze,
    Or suffocated if I trap it in a bottle.
    It would no longer be beautiful if it lasted forever.

  • Along the hierarchy of living creatures
    We have been the most tyrannous of rulers
    For we have suffered great pains
    We have no problem giving the same.
    But there is not a bird in the sky
    Nor a fish in the sea
    That does not love life
    Just like you and me.

  • There is a place
    Where I go
    When I feel incomplete

    There is a hole
    In my soul
    Which makes me feel alone

    So, when I do
    Feel so down and so low
    I go into this hole
    And hope to be whole

    And now I know
    That this hole in my heart
    It is the perfect place to go to
    when I feel ripped in parts

    Not only do I fill this hole with myself
    But it’s the perfect place to hide
    Where I can be safe
    From myself

  • Victory would never be sweet
    If defeat wasn’t so bitter.
    Maybe next time you lose,
    Remember you’re a winner.
    And I will tell you,
    “Suffer defeat!”
    But do not lose your heart.
    Then I will know,
    If you love who you are.

  • We all enter and exit
    the same gates of life and death.
    So, if I do not get the pleasure to
    Know you in this life,
    I will see you in the next.

  • Oh! Captains of destiny

    Fighters of fear,

    You stand so bravely

    What is your secret?

    You have moved mountains with courage

    And fought battles with love

    Truly you make, the best of us all

    I see your accomplishment

    And I admire

    Your wisdom

    and humour.

    But I do not want to be you.

    I want to be me,

    but sooner.

  • When we come into this world as a child,
    The creator resides in our most recent of memories.
    It is all we have ever known
    We love him profoundly.

    Yet as we grow older
    We forget our own origin
    We no longer love
    What has created love to begin with

    As we come closer to death,
    We will once again see the creator.

    To conclude the final chapter
    And if you remember his origin,
    You will have nothing to fear
    From here, and hereafter.