To the girl in the mirror

I used to hate you,

Any chance I got I would look away
You disgusted me

Your smile was too toothy
Your hair too messy
Your voice too loud

You would stare back at me
And I would hate it

Because I knew that was what the world saw
And I didn't think you deserved to be seen

But now it’s different

Now your hair is all nice and even
And your voice is quiet enough to be ignored
Your smile shows just your canines
Straight and neat

I look at you now 
And I am happy with what I see,

But now you’re just a girl in the mirror

These poems were written in random moments, without the intention of ever being shared. It’s frightening to have something you cherish be ridiculed, yet even more so for it to be forgotten. So maybe the author is doing themselves a favour, and maybe they’ll regret it, but they write these poems to be remembered so maybe they can write them to be shared.