When Death Spoke

I would rather not be a God.

She whispers,

Afraid, ashamed 

It is lonely.

And there is an abashed look she gains. 

She stares at calloused hands, 
ones that ache 
upon curved blades

Everything is mine,

Curled upon a lap that isn't hers,
head hung like a guilty child

yet I can never have it.

Gnarled fingers grasping at
a flowing cosmos;
her skirt

Never hold it.

She stares with soulless eyes

Only leave it at Life's doorstep

For Death never truly had a soul

and hope he is kind with it.

Why would she?
She is Death.

These poems were written in random moments, without the intention of ever being shared. It’s frightening to have something you cherish be ridiculed, yet even more so for it to be forgotten. So maybe the author is doing themselves a favour, and maybe they’ll regret it, but they write these poems to be remembered so maybe they can write them to be shared.